
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Obama speech tonight

As Obama prepares for tonight's speech we wonder how he will go about it.  However the news says he will talk about his plan to tax the rich and use the money to help pay for community college tuition. However as a former college grad myself who is suck in a situation now with no job and trying to earn money writing a blog no one reads, Is this really the best idea.  I don't know I didn't go to community college if I had I probably wouldn't have the debt that I have now.  And i'll say its much more than a car.  Therefore I cant even afford a car and therefore how do I get to work?
To me this sounds great but in actuality its not that amazing nor does it solve major issues.  I still don't have the best job but hey that might be partly my fault.  Nor did i go to community college.  If I could get free tuition then yes community college would have been the best bet.
So it makes you wonder will college become an experience you pay for.  If so wont this hurt private colleges and it certainty doesn't help the many college students who go to private schools.
My suggestion learn a skill, be a carpenter or plumber because college has become a waste.
With one fix you create another, at least that will always leave a job for the politicians chilling in Washington talking about topics they know nothing about.
At least
I can appreciate the new Pennsylvania governor who had worked in a ware house and comes from an industry who understands the people who work hard for their money and just need a little help, not handouts like Obama's free money giveaway.
besides free college tuition how does that teach anyone about financial responsibility. 

Why we protest?

Why is it when people become enraged they decide to burn, trash, and destroy the property of others who are completely Innocent of the situation that makes them angry.
Again another story has come out talking about protest around the world after the Charlie Hebdo incident.  Around the world there were several protest where protesters ripped bibles apart and burned and trashed churches yelling "god is great".
Its just like what the hell.  Because one company makes a joke about your faith you decide to destroy any other faith.  What is this ethnic cleansing?  All you are doing is upsetting the massive majority of people who already hate you.  I mean is that magazine even affiliated with any form religion? I doubt it.
But it begs the question what the hell do you do with people like this.  This is not just a Muslim thing we saw happen in America just recently we there destroyed their own community!!!!!!! Great so now you have no where to shop? and your neighbors lost their business.  Is the world just this stupid and ignorant or our we doomed and i should start building my bomb shelter.
My answer is that people just cant control emotion and are helpless to it.  It also seems as if people are bored and need a cause or something to do.  Maybe instead of protesting they could take their time and energy and start a garden.  Imagine if everyone had a garden there would be no worry about lack of food in the world.
But instead it looks like I
should start building my bomb shelter and gardens and go hide in the mountains because were nothing but doomed in this world unless people get their shit together and stop acting like toddlers.  

ISIS 200 Million

Today ISIS demanded 200 million for two Japanese hostages.  What is terrorism now? Has it gotten to the point where we have to fund terrorism in order to save lives.  I sure hope not.  Its a terrible situation because now we have to fund their operation so they can buy more guns and kill more of us.  Sure maybe save two lives but instead we lose 400.  I'm no political analyst but this is getting ridiculous.
At this point you almost wonder what do we do? Blow up the world?

cnn link:


Happiness, Joy, Excitement,
       I have been meaning to write on this topic for a while now, but have struggled to find those three words in my own life and in others.  What does it mean to be happy, how do you become happy.  Most of the time I think money will make me happy and it does.  It allows me to buy things and moments and adventures that make me happy.  However when does happiness make you sad?  I have struggled to find ways to make that million dollars.  I have played the lottery, i have written a blog, I have tried to invite products online.  I have worked 60 - 80 hr work weeks but yet I have not made that giant lump of money and it hurts it makes me sad.
It as if I have lost a lot of my life in the quest to be happy and this is where I struggle, how can I be happy if money is my route to being happy?
Love you say?  That's a great answer but i went down the love road and it only made it worse.  There same ambition for money only made us both depressed as we failed to find that way to make a million dollars and buy all the dirt bikes, and corvettes and big houses.
Perhaps its not happiness we need as human beings, perhaps its something as simple as feeling content, content with your life, content with yourself.  That you know you tried your best to be the best you can and that you are ok with it.  Perhaps this will bring inner bliss to your life and happiness.
Most likely i will write about this again because I have yet to reach that true answer.

Today I start

Dear Reader,
      Whats interesting is that I started this blog nearly two years ago yet I had only posted three times.  Am I hypocrite for writing about how you should improve yourself and work harder and improve the lives around you when I don't even do it myself.  Yes!
      But with that said I think this is an example on how we all fall on our face but its never too late to pick yourself up and try again.  With that in mind I'll leave you with the following thought for the morning,  "every day is a second chance"

Good luck and have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Start, But Not

Oh its 2013 today, but I feel the same
    It seems the news and the media spend their time trying to convince us of how we should reflect and how we should re think and change our lifestyles.  How we should treat others and how we should treat ourselves.  Dieting programs sell like crazy as many of us decided we should lose a couple pounds or were gonna be as slim as a model.
    Or maybe we reflect on how we hate our job, and how we wish we were different  or we made more money, or were the boss.  There are many things we can reflect on as the clock changes to 2013.  Well I say that's great, if it motivates you to change your life because a couple of numbers changed than fantastic.
     For the rest of us who barely even have time to go to the bathroom,  I encourage you to find a couple seconds in the day to stop, to pause, and do nothing.  Most likely you don't need to reflect on your year, or think about how you need to change, but rather just need a minute to do nothing.  I encourage you to find that beer, or wine, or drink, you love, find that great seat that fits to your back so perfectly, and sit down for a minute or ten, and do nothing.
     I myself love to grab a cheap PBR and sit back in a chair on my deck and watch the trees sway in the wind or the birds chip.  And there I do my self reflection  but most importantly I do my meditation.  Meditation doesn't have to involve you wrap you arm around your leg or twisting your body in weird ways, but can be simple as sitting and enjoying yourself.  Because if your not enjoying yourself, than working hard to change things probably wont make you feel any better.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday


       As we gobble down our turkey today many of wait and anticipate what some call the greatest day of the year, Black Friday.  Personally I don't care to run out the door at three in the morning to save a couple dollars.  To others though its exciting and fun.  What causes this excitement  is it money?  I would say partly so.  How can you beat saving hundreds of dollars even if you have to deal with huge lines and overcrowded stores.
        Though I must say perhaps in deep inside love for others that really fuels this holiday.  Many of us know Santa clause doesn't really exist, but we still all want our loved ones to get what they really wish for.  For many of us this means finding that great deal, where we can actually afford that great gift.  On Christmas morning will see their faces glow up, and that appreciation and excitement is what fuels the Holidays and Black Friday.  We may have to fight and jump lines, but the gratitude we receive and the love we gain is the only fuel we need to grab a coffee and head out into the chilly cold Friday morning.

-Happy Thanksgiving